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Leaves of Grass: Scenes of Decay(After Walt Witman)Eidolons, 7:00min 1998Color Stills from Multi-Channel Video installation
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec eget commodo sem. Pellentesque vitae varius velit, eu molestie ante. Phasellus vulputate nec nisl non efficitur. Fusce euismod dui et dolor gravida, et sollicitudin enim congue. Etiam sagittis, felis ut cursus blandit, ligula urna viverra ligula, eu volutpat justo lorem vel sem. Donec gravida nisl quis…
In my artistic practice, I have been studying, observing and deconstructing the tenets, ideals and concerns of western liberal society, targeting the seams of the socio-cultural fabric, specifically the malleable, mutating, transfiguring space of sexuality and sexual moeurs in culture.
In my practice, I have been very interested with the representations of the concept of ‘Flat time’ or the idea of an existence framed by “parallel timelines” experienced concurrently, an existence where all ancestral beings and all spirit entities co-exist concurrently in both their respective timelines as well as in ours. This temporal concept can…
Stereo Sound Composition and Single Channel Video. Animated collage, part of the series “Moments In An Alternate Timeline”